Deployment Checklist

This document provides a sample checklist to help prepare for a Kylo deployment.

Edge Node Resource Requirements

  • Kylo and Apache NiFi can be installed on a single edge node, however it is recommended that they run on separate edge nodes.
  • Minimum production recommendation is 4 cores CPU, 16 GB RAM.
  • Preferred production recommendation is 8 cores CPU, 32 GB RAM.


Red Hat Enterprise Linux or other GNU/Linux Distributions (CentOS, Fedora).
RPM (for install)
Java 1.8+
Hadoop 2.4+ cluster
Spark 1.5.2+
Apache NiFi 1.x+ (or HDF 2.x)
Hive 1.2.x+
MySQL 5.x+

Linux User/Group Creation

There are three Linux user accounts that need to be created before installing the Kylo stack. If an external user management tool is used, these user accounts need to be created ahead of time. If not, there are instructions in the Manual Deployment Guide (see Step 2: Create Linux Users and Groups) on how to create the users and groups.

  • kylo
  • nifi
  • activemq

Please create the above users and groups with the same names.

Edge Node Ports

The following ports are required to be open for browser access unless using a web proxy server:

  • Kylo UI – 8400
  • NiFi – 8079
  • ActiveMQ JMS – 61616 (only if on a different edge node than NiFi or Kylo)

The following is optional:

  • ActiveMQ Admin – 8161

Cluster Host Names, User Names, and Ports

Collect the following information to speed up configuration of Kylo:

  • Hive Hostname/IP Address:
  • Ambari IP Hostname/IP Address (if used):
  • Ambari “kylo” user username/password (if used):
  • KDC Hostname/IP Address (if used):
  • MySQL Metastore Hostname/IP Address:
  • Kylo Edge Hostname/IP Address:
  • NiFi Edge Hostname/IP Address:
  • Kylo MySQL Installation User username/password (Create Schema Required):
  • Kylo MySQL application username/password (For the kylo-services application and Hive metadata access):

Kerberos Principals (if using Kerberos)

Note the following Kerberos principals after the step of creating the Keytabs:

  • Kerberos Principal for “kylo”:
  • Kerberos Principal for “nifi”:
  • Kerberos Principal for “hive” on the Hive Server2 Host: