Kylo Spark Properties


The kylo-spark-shell process compiles and executes Scala code for schema detection and data transformations.


The default location of the configuration file is at /opt/kylo/kylo-services/conf/

The process will run in one of three modes depending on which properties are defined. The default mode is Server which requires the process to be started and managed separately, typically using the included init script. In the other two modes, Managed and Multi-User, the kylo-services process will start and manage the kylo-spark-shell processes. Typically Server mode will only be used in development environments and Managed or Multi-User will be used in production. The following sections further describe these modes and their configuration options.

Server Mode

The kylo-spark-shell process will run in Server mode when the below properties are defined in In this mode the process should be started by using the included init script. When using the Kylo sandbox it is sufficient to run service kylo-spark-shell start.

The properties from the other sections in this document are ignored when Server mode is enabled. To modify the Spark options, edit the file and add them to the spark-submit call on the last line. Note that only the local Spark master is supported in this configuration.

Property Type Default Description
server.port Number 8450 Port for kylo-spark-shell to listen on. String   Host name or address where the kylo-spark-shell
process is running as a server. Number 8450 Port where the kylo-spark-shell process is
spark.ui.port Number 8451 Port for the Spark UI to listen on.

Advanced options are available by using Spring Boot properties.

Example configuration: = localhost = 8450

Managed Mode

In Managed mode, Kylo will start one kylo-spark-shell process for schema detection and another for executing data transformations.

Once the process has started it will call back to kylo-services and register itself. This allows Spark to run in yarn-cluster mode as the driver can run on any node in the cluster.

The auth-spark Spring profile must be enabled for the Spark client to start.

Property Type Default Description String   Path to the kylo-spark-shell-client jar file. This
is only needed if Kylo is unable to determine
the location automatically. The default location
for Spark 1.x is /opt/kylo/kylo-services/lib/
app/kylo-spark-shell-client-v1-*.jar. There is a
v2 jar for Spark 2.x. String   Whether to launch a kylo-spark-shell process
locally (client) or on one of the worker
machines inside the cluster (cluster). Set to
cluster when enabling user impersonation. String   Additional files to be submitted with the Spark
application. Multiple files should be separated
with a comma. String   The JAVA_HOME for launching the Spark
application. Number 900 Indicates the amount of time in seconds to
wait for a user request before terminating a
kylo-spark-shell process. Any user request
sent to the process will reset this timeout. This
is only used in yarn-cluster mode. String   Additional jars to be submitted with the Spark
application. Multiple jars should be separated
with a comma. String   Where to run Spark executors locally (local)
or inside a YARN cluster (yarn). Set to yarn
when enabling user impersonation. Number 45000 Minimum port number that a kylo-spark-shell
process may listen on. Number 45999 Maximum port number that a kylo-spark-shell
process may listen on. String   A custom properties file with Spark
configuration for the application. String   Kylo Services URL for registering the Spark
application once it has started. This defaults to
shell/register String   Additional arguments to include in the Spark
invocation. String   A custom Spark installation location for the
application. Boolean false Enables verbose reporting for Spark Submit.

The default property values should work on most systems. An error will be logged if Kylo is unable to determine the correct value from the environment. Example configuration: = localhost = 8450 = cluster = yarn

Multi-User Mode

Kylo will start a separate process for each Kylo user in Multi-User mode. This ensures that users only have access to their own tables and cannot interfere with each other.

The auth-spark Spring profile must be enabled for the Spark client to start.

In a Kerberized environment Kylo will need to periodically execute kinit to ensure there is an active Kerberos ticket. Spark does not support supplying both a keytab and a proxy user on the command-line. See Spark User Impersonation Configuration for more information on configuring user impersonation in a Kerberized environment.

The options from Managed Mode are also supported.

Property Type Default Description Boolean false Set to true to enable Multi-User mode.

Example configuration: = localhost = 8450 = cluster = yarn = true = --driver-java-options

Hadoop must be configured to allow the kylo user to proxy users:

$ vim /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml



Kerberos is supported in both Managed and Multi-User modes.

Property Type Default Description
kerberos.spark.kerberosEnabled Boolean false Indicates that an active Kerberos ticket
is needed to start a kylo-spark-shell
kerberos.spark.kerberosPrincipal String   Name of the principal for acquiring a
Kerberos ticket.
kerberos.spark.keytabLocation String   Local path to the keytab for acquiring a
Kerberos ticket.
kerberos.spark.initInterval Number 43200 Indicates the amount of time in seconds
to cache a Kerberos ticket before
acquiring a new one. Only used in
Multi-User mode. A value of 0 disables
calling kinit.
kerberos.spark.initTimeout Number 10 Indicates the amount of time in seconds
to wait for kinit to acquire a ticket
before killing the process. Only used in
Multi-User mode.
kerberos.spark.retryInterval Number 120 Indicates the amount of time in seconds
to wait before retrying to acquire a
Kerberos ticket if the last try failed.
Only used in Multi-User mode.
kerberos.spark.realm String   Name of the Kerberos realm to append
to usernames.

Example configuration:

kerberos.spark.kerberosEnabled = true
kerberos.spark.kerberosPrincipal = kylo
kerberos.spark.keytabLocation = /etc/security/keytabs/kylo.headless.keytab