

Kylo supports a pluggable authentication architecture that allows customers to integrate their existing infrastructure when authenticating a user.  The pluggability is built around JAAS, which delegates authentication to one or more configured LoginModules that all collaborate in an authentication attempt.

Kylo supplies LoginModule implementations for the most common authentication scenarios, though customers will be able to provide their own modules to replace or augment the modules provided by Kylo.

In addition to performing authentication, LoginModules may, upon successful login, associate the logged-in user with a set of principals (user ID and groups/roles) that can be used to make authorization checks. For instance, a LoginModule that authenticates a user’s credentials using LDAP may also load any groups defined in the LDAP store for that user, and these groups can have permissions granted to them in Kylo.

Built-In Pluggable Authentication Profiles

Kylo comes with some pre-built authentication configurations that may be activated by adding the appropriate Spring profiles to the UI and server configuration files. By default, whenever any of these profiles are added to the configuration it is equivalent to adding their associated LoginModules to the overall JAAS configuration using the “required” control flag.


More than one profile may be activated at one time. If multiple profiles are used, authentication in Kylo will only occur if all of the login requirements of each of the profiles are satisfied.

The table below lists all of the profiles currently supported by Kylo out-of-the-box. When any of these profiles are activated certain properties are expected to be present in the files.

Login Method Spring Profile Description
Kylo User auth-kylo Authenticates users against the Kylo user/group store
LDAP auth-ldap Authenticates users stored in LDAP
Active Directory auth-ad Authenticates users stored in Active Directory
Users file auth-file Authenticates users in a file users.properies (typically used in development only)
Simple auth-simple Allows only one admin user defined in the configuration properties (development only)
Cached credentials auth-cache Short-cicuit, temporary authentication after previous user authentication by other means


When this profile is active, a LoginModule will be added to the configuration that validates whether the authenticating user is present in the Kylo user store.


This profile is typically used in conjunction with other profiles (such as auth-ldap) as this configuration does not perform any password validation.

Properties Required Example Description No required Corresponds to the control flag for LoginModule configurations: required, requisite, sufficient, and optional. Possible values are required, requisite, sufficient, and optional


When this profile is active, a LoginModule will be added to the configuration that authenticates a username/password using user information within specific files on the file system. For validating the credentials it looks by default, unless configured otherwise, for a file called on the classpath containing a mapping of usernames top passwords in the form:


If authentication is successful it will then look for a file on the classpath to load the groups that have been assigned to the authenticated user. The format of this file is:


Note that use of the file is optional when used in conjunction with other authentication profiles. For instance, it would be redundant (but not invalid) to have a groups file when auth-file is used with auth-kylo, as the latter profile will load any user assigned groups from the Kylo store as well as those defined in the group file. It would likely be confusing to have to manage groups from two different sources.


The auth-file profile should generally not be used in a production environment because it currently stores user passwords in the clear. It is primarily used only in development and testing.

Properties Required Example Description
security.auth.file.users No The value is either a name of a resource found on the classpath or, if prepended by file:///, a direct file path
security.auth.file.groups No The same as security.auth.file.users but for the groups file

If auth-file is active and no users file property is specified in the configuration then these implicit username/password properties will be assumed:



This profile configures a LoginModule that authenticates the username and password against an LDAP server.

Property Required Example Description
security.auth.ldap.server.uri Yes ldap://localhost:52389/dc=example,dc=com The URI to the LDAP server and root context
security.auth.ldap.authenticator.userDnPatterns Yes uid={0},ou=people The DN filter patterns, minus the root context portion, that identifies the entry for the user. The username is substitued forthe {0} tag. If more than one pattern is supplied they should be separated by vertical bars
security.auth.ldap.user.enableGroups No true Activates user group loading; default: false
security.auth.ldap.user.groupsBase No ou=groups The filter pattern that identifies group entries
security.auth.ldap.user.groupNameAttr No ou The attribute of the group entry containing the group name
security.auth.ldap.server.authDn No uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com The LDAP account with the privileges necessary to access user or group entries; usually only needed (if at all) when group loading is activated
security.auth.ldap.server.password No   The password for the account with the privileges necessary to access user or group entries


This profile configures a LoginModule that authenticates the username and password against an Active Directory server. If the properties and are set then those credentials will be used to autheticate with the AD server and only the username will be validated to exist in AD; loading the user’s groups load (when configured) if the user is present.

Property Required Example Value Description Yes ldap:// The URI to the AD server Yes The AD domain of the users to authenticate No admin A service account used to authenticate with AD rather than the user logging in (typically used with auth-spnego) No   A service account password used to authenticate with AD rather than that of the user logging in (typically used with auth-spnego) No true Activates user group loading; default: false


This profile configures a LoginModule that authenticates a single user as an administrator using username and password properties specified in The specified user will be the only one able to login to Kylo. Obviously, this profile should only be used in development.

Property Required Example Value Description
authenticationService.username Yes dladmin The username of the administrator
authenticationService.password Yes thinkbig The password of the administrator


Kylo’s REST API is stateless and every request must be authenticated. In cases where the REST API is heavily used and/or the primary means of authetication is expensive, this profile can be used to reduce the amount of times the primary authentication mechanism is consulted. This is achieved by inserting a LoginModule a the head of the login sequence, flagged as Sufficient, that reports a login success if the user credential for the current request is present in its cache. Another LoginModule, flagged as Optional, is inserted at the end of the sequence to add the credential to the cache whenever a successful login is committed.

Property Required Example Value Description
security.auth.cache.spec No expireAfterWrite=30s,maximumSize=512 The cache specification (entry expire time, cache size, etc.)

User Group Handling

Kylo access control is governed by permissions assigned to user groups, so upon successful authentication any groups to which the user belongs must be loaded and associated with the current authenticated request being processed. JAAS LoginModules have two responsibilities:

  1. Authenticate a login attempt
  2. Optionally, associate principals (user and group identifiers) with the security context of the request

A number of authentication profiles described above support loading of user groups at login time. For auth-kylo this is done automatically, for others (auth-ldap, ‘auth-file`, etc.) this must be configured. If more than one group-loading profile is configured, the result is additive. For example, if your configuration activates the profiles auth-kylo and auth-LDAP, and the LDAP properties enable groups, then any groups associated with the user in both LDAP and the Kylo user store will be combined and associated with the user’s security context.

JAAS Application Configuration

Currently, there are two applications (from a JAAS perspective) for which LoginModules may be configured for authentication: the Kylo UI and Services REST API. Kylo provides an API that allows plugins to easily integrate custom login modules into the authentication process.

Creating a Custom Authentication Plugin

The first step is to create Kylo plugin containing a LoginModule that performs whatever authentication is required and then adds any username/group principals upon successful authentication. This module will be added to whatever other LoginModules may be associated with the target application (Kylo UI and/or Services.)

The service-auth framework provides an API to make it easy to integrate a new LoginModule into the authentication of the Kylo UI or services REST API. The easiest way to integrate your custom LoginModule is to create a Spring configuration class, which will be bundled into your plugin jar along with your custom LoginModule. That then uses the framework-provided LoginConfigurationBuilder to incorporate your LoginModule into the authentication sequence. The following is an example of a configuration class that adds a new module to the authentication sequence of both the Kylo UI and Services; each with different configuration options:

public class MyCustomAuthConfig {
    public LoginConfiguration myLoginConfiguration(LoginConfigurationBuilder builder) {
        return builder
                    .option("customOption", "customValue1")
                    .option("customOption", "customValue2")
                    .option("anotherOption", "anotherValue")

As with any Kylo plugin, to deploy this configuration you would create a jar file containing the above configuration class, your custom login module class, and a plugin/plugin-context.xml file to bootstrap your plugin configuration. Dropping this jar into the plugin directories of the UI and Services would allow your custom LoginModule to participate in their login process.