Release 0.4.1 (Oct. 20, 2016)


  • Resolved approximately 65 issues
  • Ranger and Sentry integration (ability to assign groups to feed tables)
  • NEW Sqoop import processor for efficient database ingest (tested with Sqoop version 1.4.6, Databases-Teradata,Oracle, and MySQL)
  • Watermark service provides support for incremental loads
  • Hive merge on Primary Key option
  • Skip header support
  • Configurable root paths for Hive and HDFS folders (multi-tenancy phase I)
  • New and simplified standard ingest and re-usable wrangler flows
  • Support for Hive decimal type
  • Support for choosing existing field as partition
  • Documentation updates
  • UI usability improvements (validation, etc)

Known Issues

Creating a feed using standard data ingest with Database as the input may fail on initial run. There are 2 workarounds you can do to resolve this:

  1. Go to the “Feed Details” screen for the feed and disable and then enable the feed; or,
  2. During creation of the feed on the last “Schedule” step you can uncheck the “Enable Feed Immediately”.  This will save the feed in a “disabled state”.  Once the feed has been created on the Success screen click “View Details”  then  enable the feed.