Reindex Historical Feed Data


This feature requires NiFi version 1.3 or above. If using Elasticsearch, version 5 or up is required.

A feed definition can be edited to change the columns that are indexed in a search engine, and available for querying via Kylo’s Global Search. The change will take effect for future runs of the feed, and the updated list of columns will get indexed going forward.

At time of saving the updated feed definition, Kylo will detect any change in indexing options and prompt for reindexing historical data as per the updated indexing options. This prompt will only be provided if Kylo is configured to support this functionality.

This provides the feed editor an option to:

  • add missing columns for indexing that can be used for search
  • remove sensitive/non-required columns for indexing that should be not be searchable

You can choose to ignore or perform history indexing of feed data by choosing Yes or No when Kylo prompts for it.

While a feed’s history data is being re-indexed, changes to indexing options for the feed will be disabled. The feed details page provides status of history re-indexing via the Reindexing In Progress and Reindexing Last Status fields.

To enable this functionality, perform the following steps:

A. Update Kylo Services properties

  1. Enable option in /opt/kylo/kylo-services/conf/ for Kylo services. This is enabled by default when Kylo is installed.

B. (Optional) Update Solr plugin properties

  1. If using Solr instead of Elasticsearch as the search engine:

    1. Add one property to /opt/kylo/kylo-services/conf/ file.

C. Restart Kylo Services

  1. Restart Kylo services.

    service kylo-services stop
    service kylo-services start
  2. Ensure that Kylo UI and Kylo Spark Shell are running. If not, start them.

    service kylo-ui status
    # if stopped, start it
    service kylo-ui start
    service kylo-spark-shell status
    # if stopped, start it
    service kylo-spark-shell start

D. Update Index Text Service Feed

  1. Once Kylo is up, import the updated Index Text Service feed via these steps:

    1. Feed Manager -> Feeds -> + orange button -> Import from file -> Choose file
    2. Pick the index_text_service_hs_v<version_number> file available at /opt/kylo/setup/data/feeds/nifi-1.3/history-reindexing/
    3. Leave Change the Category field blank (It defaults to System)
    4. Click Yes for these three options (1) Overwrite Feed (2) Replace Feed Template (3) Replace Reusable Template
    5. Click Import Feed.
    6. Verify that the feed imports successfully.

E. Import History Reindex Text Service Feed

  1. Import the History Reindex Text Service feed via these steps:

    1. Feed Manager -> Feeds -> + orange button -> Import from file -> Choose file
    2. Pick the history_reindex_text_service_hs_v<version_number> file available at /opt/kylo/setup/data/feeds/nifi-1.3/history-reindexing/
    3. Leave Change the Category field blank (It defaults to System)
    4. Click Yes for these three options (1) Overwrite Feed (2) Replace Feed Template (3) Replace Reusable Template
    5. Click Import Feed.
    6. Verify that the feed imports successfully.

Now, you can choose to reindex a feed’s history when updating the columns to index. The History Reindex Text Service feed runs every 10 minutes (default schedule) and performs the job.