HDP 2.5 Kerberos/Ranger Cluster Deployment Guide


This guide will help you understand the steps involved with deploying Kylo to a Kerberos cluster with minimal admin privileges. No super user privileges will be provided to the “nifi” or “kylo” user. The only usage for an administrative account will be for kylo-services to access the Ranger REST API.

There are two ways you can configure Hive to manage users on the cluster.

  1. You can configure it to run Hive jobs as the end user, but all HDFS access is done as the Hive user.
  2. Run Hive jobs and HDFS commands as the end user.


For detailed information on Hive authorizations refer to Best Practices for Hive Authorization Using Apache Ranger in HDP 2.2 on the Hortonworks website.

This document will configure option #2 to show how you can configure Kylo to grant appropriate access to both Hive and HDFS for the end user.

Cluster Topography

The cluster used in this example contains the following:

  • 3 master nodes
  • 3 data nodes
  • 1 Kylo edge node
  • 1 NiFi edge node

There are a couple of things to notes about the cluster:

  • The cluster is leveraging the MIT KDC for Kerberos.
  • The cluster uses Linux file system-based authorization (not LDAP or AD).

Known Issues

Kylo does not support Hive HA Thrift URL connections yet. If the cluster is configured for HA and zookeeper, you will need to connect directly to the thrift server.

You may see an error similar to the following:


Requested user nifi is not whitelisted and has id 496, which is below the minimum allowed 500”.

If you do, do the following to change the user ID or lower the minimum ID:

  1. Login to Ambari and edit the yarn “Advanced yarn-env”.
  2. Set the “Minimum user ID for submitting job” = 450.

Prepare a Checklist

Leverage the deployment checklist to take note of information you will need to speed up configuration.

Prepare Install Checklist

Prepare the HDP Cluster

Before installing the Kylo stack, prepare the cluster by doing the following:

  1. Ensure that Kerberos is enabled.
  2. Enable Ranger, including the HDFS and Hive plugin.
  3. Change Hive to run both Hive and HDFS as the end user.
    1. Login to Ambari.
    2. Go to Hive -→ Config.
    3. Change “Run as end user instead of Hive user” to true.
    4. Restart required applications.
  4. Create an Ambari user for Kylo to query the status REST API’s.
    1. Login to Ambari.
    2. Got to “Manage Ambari” → Users.
    3. Click on “Create Local User”.
    4. Create a user called “kylo” and save the password for later.
    5. Go to the “Roles” screen.
    6. Assign the “kylo” user to the “Cluster User” role.
  5. If your Spark job fails when running in HDP 2.4.2 while interacting with an empty ORC table, you will get this error message:


“ExecuteSparkJob[id=1fb1b9a0-e7b5-4d85-87d2-90d7103557f6] java.util.NoSuchElementException: next on empty iterator “

This is due to a change Hortonworks added to change how it loads the schema for the table. To fix the issue you can modify the following properties:

  1. On the edge node edit /usr/hdp/current/spark-client/conf/spark-defaults.conf.
  2. Add this line to the file “spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc false”

Optionally, rather than editing the configuration file you can add this property in Ambari:

  1. Login to Ambari.
  2. Go to the Spark config section.
  3. Go to “custom Spark defaults”.
  4. Add the property “spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc” and set to “false”.
  1. Create the “nifi” and “kylo” user on the master and data nodes.


If the operations team uses a user management tool then create the users that way.

If you are using linux /etc/group based authorization in your cluster you are required to create any users that will have access to HDFS or Hive on the following:

Master Nodes:

$ useradd -r -m -s /bin/bash nifi
$ useradd -r -m -s /bin/bash kylo
Data Nodes: In some cases this is not required on data nodes.
$ useradd -r -m -s /bin/bash nifi
$ useradd -r -m -s /bin/bash kylo

Prepare the Kylo Edge Node

  1. Install the MySQL client on the edge node, if not already there:
$ yum install mysql
  1. Create a MySQL admin user or use root user to grant “create schema” access from the Kylo edge node.

    This is required to install the “kylo” schema during Kylo installation.


  1. Create the “kylo” MySQL user.
grant create, select, insert, update, delete, execute ON kylo.* to kylo'@'KYLO_EDGE_NODE_HOSTNAME';
  1. Grant kylo user access to the hive MySQL metadata.


If the Hive database is installed in a separate MySQL instance, you will need to create the “kylo” non privileged user in that database before running the grants.

  1. Make sure the Spark client and Hive client is installed.
  2. Create the “kylo” user on edge node.
Kylo Edge Node:
$ useradd -r -m -s /bin/bash kylo
$ useradd -r -m -s /bin/bash activemq
  1. Optional - Create offline TAR file for an offline Kylo installation.
[root]# cd /opt/kylo/setup/
[root setup]# ./generate-offline-install.sh
Copy the TAR file to both the Kylo edge node as well as the NiFi edge node.
  1. Prepare a list of feed categories you wish to create.

    This is required due to the fact that we are installing Kylo without privileged access. We will create Ranger policies ahead of time to all Kylo access to the Hive Schema and HDFS folders.

9. Create “kylo” home folder in HDFS. This is required for Hive queries to work in HDP.

[root]$ su - hdfs
[hdfs]$ kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab <hdfs_principal_name>
[hdfs]$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/kylo
[hdfs]$ hdfs dfs -chown kylo:kylo /user/kylo
[hdfs]$ hdfs dfs -ls /user


If you do not know the HDFS Kerberos principal name run “klist -kt/etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab”.

Prepare the NiFi Edge Node

  1. Install the MySQL client on the edge node, if not already there.
$ yum install mysql
  1. Grant MySQL access from the NiFi edge node.


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'kylo'@'nifi_edge_node' IDENTIFIED BY 'abc123';
  1. Make sure the Spark client and Hive client is installed.

  2. Create the “nifi” user on edge node, master nodes, and data nodes.

    Edge Nodes:

$ useradd -r -m -s /bin/bash nifi
  1. Optional - Copy the offline TAR file created above to this edge node, if necessary.

  2. Create the “nifi” home folders in HDFS.

    This is required for Hive queries to work in HDP.

[root]$ su - hdfs
[hdfs]$ kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab <hdfs_principal_name>
[hdfs]$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/nifi
[hdfs]$ hdfs dfs -chown nifi:nifi /user/nifi
[hdfs]$ hdfs dfs -ls /user


If you don’t know the HDFS Kerberos principal name, run:

“klist -kt /etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab”

Create the Keytabs for “nifi” and “kylo” Users

  1. Login to the host that is running the KDC and create the keytabs.
[root]# kadmin.local
kadmin.local: addprinc -randkey "kylo/<KYLO_EDGE_HOSTNAME>@US-WEST-2.COMPUTE.INTERNAL"
kadmin.local: addprinc -randkey "nifi/<NIFI_EDGE_HOSTNAME>@US-WEST-2.COMPUTE.INTERNAL"
kadmin.local: xst -k /tmp/kylo.service.keytab kylo/<KYLO_EDGE_HOSTNAME>@US-WEST-2.COMPUTE.INTERNAL
kadmin.local: xst -k /tmp/nifi.service.keytab nifi/<NIFI_EDGE_HOSTNAME>@US-WEST-2.COMPUTE.INTERNAL
  1. Note the Hive principal name for the thrift connection later.
# Write down the principal name for Hive for the KDC node
kadmin.local: listprincs

kadmin.local: exit
  1. Move the keytabs to the correct edge nodes.

4. Configure the Kylo edge node. This step assumes that, to configure the keytab, you SCP’d the files to:

Configure the edge node:
[root opt]# mv /tmp/kylo.service.keytab /etc/security/keytabs/
[root keytabs]# chown kylo:kylo /etc/security/keytabs/kylo.service.keytab
[root opt]# chmod 400 /etc/security/keytabs/kylo.service.keytab
  1. Test the keytab on the Kylo edge node.
[root keytabs]# su - kylo
[kylo ~]$ kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/kylo.service.keytab kylo/<KYLO_EDGE_HOSTNAME>@US-WEST-2.COMPUTE.INTERNAL
[kylo ~]$ klist
[kylo ~]$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_496
Default principal: kylo/ip-172-31-42-133.us-west-2.compute.internal@US-WEST-2.COMPUTE.INTERNAL
Valid starting Expires Service principal
11/29/2016 22:37:57 11/30/2016 22:37:57 krbtgt/US-WEST-2.COMPUTE.INTERNAL@US-WEST-2.COMPUTE.INTERNAL

[kylo ~]$ hdfs dfs -ls /
Found 10 items ....

# Now try hive
[kylo ~]$ hive
  1. Configure the NiFi edge node.
root opt]# mv /tmp/nifi.service.keytab /etc/security/keytabs/
[root keytabs]# chown nifi:nifi /etc/security/keytabs/nifi.service.keytab
[root opt]# chmod 400 /etc/security/keytabs/nifi.service.keytab
  1. Test the keytab on the NiFi edge node.
[root keytabs]# su - nifi
[nifi ~]$ kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/nifi.service.keytab nifi/i<NIFI_EDGE_HOSTNAME>@US-WEST-2.COMPUTE.INTERNAL
[nifi ~]$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_497
Valid starting Expires Service principal
11/29/2016 22:40:08 11/30/2016 22:40:08 krbtgt/US-WEST-2.COMPUTE.INTERNAL@US-WEST-2.COMPUTE.INTERNAL

[nifi ~]$ hdfs dfs -ls /
Found 10 items

[nifi ~]$ hive
  1. Test with Kerberos test client.

    Kylo provides a kerberos test client to ensure the keytabs work in the JVM. There have been cases where kinit works on the command line but getting a kerberos ticket breaks in the JVM.

  1. Optional - Test Beeline connection.

Install NiFi on the NiFi Edge Node

  1. SCP the kylo-install.tar tar file to /tmp (if running in offline mode).

2. Run the setup wizard (example uses offline mode) [root tmp]# cd /tmp

[root tmp]# mkdir tba-install
[root tmp]# mv kylo-install.tar tba-install/
[root tmp]# cd tba-install/
[root tba-install]# tar -xvf kylo-install.tar

[root tba-install]# /tmp/tba-install/setup-wizard.sh -o
  1. Install the following using the wizard.

    • NiFi
    • Java (Option #2 most likely)
  2. Stop NiFi.

$ service nifi stop
  1. Edit nifi.properties to set Kerberos setting.
[root]# vi /opt/nifi/current/conf/nifi.properties

  1. Edit the config.properties file.
[root]# vi /opt/nifi/ext-config/config.properties

  1. Start NiFi.
[root]# service nifi start
  1. Tail the logs to look for errors.
tail -f /var/log/nifi/nifi-app.log

Install the Kylo Application on the Kylo Edge Node

  1. Install the RPM.
$ rpm -ivh /tmp/kylo-<VERSION>.noarch.rpm
  1. SCP the kylo-install.tar tar file to /tmp (if running in offline mode).
  2. Run the setup wizard (example uses offline mode)
[root tmp]# cd /tmp
[root tmp]# mkdir tba-install
[root tmp]# mv kylo-install.tar tba-install/
[root tmp]# cd tba-install/
[root tba-install]# tar -xvf kylo-install.tar

[root tba-install]# /tmp/tba-install/setup-wizard.sh -o
  1. Install the following using the wizard (everything but NiFi).

    • MySQL database scripts
    • Elasticsearch
    • ActiveMQ
    • Java (Option #2 most likely)
  2. Update Elasticsearch configuration.

    In order for Elasticsearch to allow access from an external server you need to specify the hostname in addition to localhost.

$ vi /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
network.host: localhost,<KYLO_EDGE_HOST>

$ service elasticsearch restart
  1. Edit the thinbig-spark-shell configuration file.
[root kylo]# vi /opt/kylo/kylo-services/conf/spark.properties

  1. Edit the kylo-services configuration file.
[root /]# vi /opt/kylo/kylo-services/conf/application.properties











Set the JMS server hostname for the Kylo hosted JMS server:
  1. Install the Ranger Plugin.
    1. SCP Ranger plugin to /tmp.
    2. Install the Ranger plugin.
[root plugin]# mv /tmp/kylo-hadoop-authorization-ranger-<VERSION>.jar /opt/kylo/kylo-services/plugin
[root plugin]# chown kylo:kylo /opt/kylo/kylo-services/plugin/kylo-hadoop-authorization-ranger-<VERSION>.jar
[root plugin]# touch /opt/kylo/kylo-services/conf/authorization.ranger.properties
[root plugin]# chown kylo:kylo /opt/kylo/kylo-services/conf/authorization.ranger.properties
  1. Edit the properties file.
vi /opt/kylo/kylo-services/conf/authorization.ranger.properties
  1. Start the Kylo applications.
[root]# /opt/kylo/start-kylo-apps.sh
  1. Check the logs for errors.
  1. Login to the Kylo UI.

Create Folders for NiFi standard-ingest Feed

  1. Create the dropzone directory on the NiFi edge node.
$ mkdir -p /var/dropzone
$ chown nifi /var/dropzone
  1. Create the HDFS root folders.

    This will be required since we are running under non-privileged users.

[root]# su - hdfs
[hdfs ~]$ kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.service.keytab
[hdfs ~]$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /etl
[hdfs ~]$ hdfs dfs -chown nifi:nifi /etl
[hdfs ~]$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /model.db
[hdfs ~]$ hdfs dfs -chown nifi:nifi /model.db
[hdfs ~]$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /archive
[hdfs ~]$ hdfs dfs -chown nifi:nifi /archive
[hdfs ~]$ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /app/warehouse
[hdfs ~]$ hdfs dfs -chown nifi:nifi /app/warehouse
[hdfs ~]$ hdfs dfs -ls /

Create Ranger Policies

  1. Add the “kylo” and “nifi user to Ranger if they don’t exist.
  2. Create the HDFS NiFi policy.
    1. Click into the HDFS repository
    2. Click on “Add New Policy”
name: kylo-nifi-access
Resource Path:
user: nifi
permissions: all
  1. Create the Hive NiFi policy.
    1. Click into the Hive repository.
    2. Click on “Add New Policy”.
Policy Name: kylo-nifi-access
Hive Database: userdata, default (required for access for some reason)
table: *
column: *
user: nifi
permissions: all
  1. Create the Hive Kylo policy.

    Grant Hive access to “kylo” user for Hive tables, profile, and wrangler.


Kylo supports user impersonation (add doc and reference it).

  1. Click into the Hive repository.
  2. Click on “Add New Policy”.
Policy Name: kylo-kylo-access
Hive Database: userdata
table: *
column: *
user: kylo
permissions: select

Import Kylo Templates

  1. Import Index Text Template (For Elasticsearch).

    1. Locate the index_text_service.zip file. You will need the file locally to upload it. You can find it in one of two places:

      • <kylo_project>/samples/feeds/nifi-1.0/
      • /opt/kylo/setup/data/feeds/nifi-1.0
    2. Go to the the Feeds page in Kylo.

    3. Click on the plus icon to add a feed.

    4. Select “Import from a file”.

    5. Choose the index_text_service.zip file.

    6. Click “Import Feed”.

  2. Update the Index Text processors.

    1. Login to NiFi.

    2. Go to the system → index_text_service process group.

      1. Edit the “Receive Index Request” processor and set the URL value to <KYLO_EDGE_HOSTNAME>.
      2. In addition to the URL field you might have to edit the jms-subscription property file as instructed above.
      3. Edit the “Update Elasticsearch” processor and set the HostName value to <KYLO_EDGE_HOSTNAME>.


An issue was found with the getJmsTopic processor URL. If you import the template using localhost and need to change it there is a bug that won’t allow the URL to be changed. The value is persisted to a file.

[root@ip-10-0-178-60 conf]# pwd
[root@ip-10-0-178-60 conf]# ls -l
total 48
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nifi users 3132 Dec 6 22:05 bootstrap.conf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nifi users 2119 Aug 26 13:51 bootstrap-notification-services.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nifi nifi 142 Dec 7 00:36 jms-subscription-2bd64d8a-2b1f-1ef0-e961-e50680e34686
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nifi nifi 142 Dec 7 00:54 jms-subscription-2bd64d97-2b1f-1ef0-7fc9-279eacf076dd
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nifi users 8243 Aug 26 13:51 logback.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nifi users 8701 Dec 7 00:52 nifi.properties
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nifi users 3637 Aug 26 13:51 state-management.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nifi users 1437 Aug 26 13:51 zookeeper.properties
  1. Edit the file named named “jms-subscription-<processor_id>”.
  2. Change the hostname.
  3. Restart NiFi.
  1. Import the data ingest template.

    1. Locate the data_ingest.zip file. You will need the file locally to upload it. You can find it in one of two places:

      1. <kylo_project>/samples/templates/nifi-1.0/
      2. /opt/kylo/setup/data/templates/nifi-1.0
    2. Go to the templates page and import the data ingest template.

    3. Manually update the Spark validate processor.

      Add this variable to the ${table_field_policy_json_file}. It should look like this:

  1. Edit the “Upload to HDFS” and remove “Remote Owner” and “Remote Group” (since we aren’t using superuser).
  1. Update NiFi processors for Kylo template versions prior to 0.5.0.

    We need to update a few settings in the elasticsearch and standard ingest template. This is not required with 0.5.0 or greater since they will be set during import.

    1. Login to NiFi.
    2. Go to the reusable_templates → standard-ingest process group.
      1. Edit the “Register Index” processor and set the URL to the <KYLO_EDGE_HOSTNAME>.
      2. Edit the “Update Index” processor and set teh URL to the <KYLO_EDGE_HOSTNAME>.
  2. Import the transform feed (Optional).

Create Data Ingest Feed Test

  1. Create a userdata feed to test.
  2. Test the feed.
cp -p <PATH_TO_FILE>/userdata1.csv /var/dropzone/