Access Control¶
A goal is to support authentication and authorization seamlessly between the Kylo applications and the Hadoop cluster.
Authorization within Kylo uses access control lists (ACL) to control what users can do and see. A permission in Kylo is the granting to a user or group the right to perform some action, such as see the description of a template, create and edit a category, enable/disable a feed, etc. These actions are organized into a hierarchies and permission to perform an action may be granted at any level in that hierarchy.
Authorization in Kylo is divided into two layers: service-level (Kylo-wide) permissions and (when enabled) entity-level permissions. Access to these functions can often be controlled at both the service-level and entity-level.
Users and Groups can be updated using the Users and Groups pages under the Admin section in Kylo.
If groups are enabled only by an external authentication source (such as LDAP) via a plugin module then user groups may not be visible in the Users page.
Default Users and Groups¶
When Kylo is newly installed, it will be pre-configured with a few default users and groups defined; with varying permissions assigned to each group. The default groups are:
- Administrators
- Operations
- Designers
- Analysts
- Users
The default users and their assigned groups are:
- Data Lake Administrator - Administrators, Users
- Analyst - Analysts, Users
- Designer - Designers, Users
- Operator - Operations, Users
The initial installation will also have the auth-kylo and auth-file included in the active profiles configured in the conf/ file of both the UI and Services. With these profiles active the authentication process will use both the built-in Kylo user store and a username/password file to authenticate requests. In this configuration, all activated login modules will have to successfully authenticate a request before access will be granted.
Service-Level Authorization¶
Service-level access controla what functions are permitted kylo-wide. Access is controlled by granting permissions to groups to perform a set of actions. A logged in user would then be authorized to perform any actions permitted to the groups to which the user is a member.
At the service-level, the heirarchical actions available for granting to groups are organized as follows:
Access Kylo Metadata - Allows the ability to view and query directly the data in the Kylo metadata store, including extensible types
- Administer Kylo Metadata - Allows the ability to directly manage the data in the Kylo metadata store (edit raw metadata, create/update/delete extensible types, update feed status events)
Access Feed Support - Allows access to feeds and feed-related functions
Access Feeds - Allows access to feeds and their metadata
- Edit Feeds - Allows creating, updating, enabling and disabling feeds
- Import Feeds - Allows importing of previously exported feeds (.zip files)
- Export Feeds - Allows exporting feeds definitions (.zip files)
- Administer Feeds - Allows deleting feeds and editing feed metadata
Access Tables - Allows listing and querying Hive tables
Access Visual Query - Allows access to visual query data wrangler
Access Categories - Allows access to categories and their metadata
- Edit Categories - Allows creating, updating and deleting categories
- Administer Categories - Allows updating category metadata
Access Templates - Allows access to feed templates
- Edit Templates - Allows creating, updating, deleting and sequencing feed templates
- Import Templates - Allows importing of previously exported templates (.xml and .zip files)
- Export Templates - Allows exporting template definitions (.zip files)
- Administer Templates - Allows enabling and disabling feed templates
Access Data Sources - Allows (a) access to data sources (b) viewing tables and schemas from a data source (c) using a data source in transformation feed
- Edit Data Sources - Allows creating and editing data sources
- Administer Data Sources - Allows getting data source details with sensitive info
Access Service Level Agreements - Allows access to service level agreements
- Edit Service Level Agreements - Allows creating and editing service level agreements
Access Global Search - Allows access to search all indexed columns
Access Users and Groups Support - Allows access to user and group-related functions
Access Users - Allows the ability to view existing users
- Administer Users - Allows the ability to create, edit and delete users
Access Groups - Allows the ability to view existing groups
- Administer Groups - Allows the ability to create, edit and delete groups
Access Operational Information - Allows access to operational information like active feeds, execution history, job and feed stats, health status, etc.
- Administer Operations - Allows administration of operations, such as creating/updating alerts, restart/stop/abandon/fail jobs, start/pause scheduler, etc.
Access Encryption Services - Allows the ability to encrypt and decrypt values
The above actions are hierarchical, in that being permitted a lower level action (such as Edit Feeds) implies being granted the higher-level actions (Access Feeds & Access Feed Support).
Although permissions to perform the above actions are currently granted to groups, a future Kylo version may switch to a role-based mechanism similar to the entity-level access control (see below.)
Entity-Level Authorization¶
Entity-level authorization is an additional, optional form of access control that applies to individual entities: templates, feeds, categories, etc. Entity-level access control is similar to service-level in that it involves granting permissions to perform a hierarchical set of actions. These actions, though, would apply only to an individual entity.
Entity-level access control is turned off by default. To activate this feature you must set this property to true in kylo-services/conf/
and then restart Kylo:
Turning on entity-level access control is a one-way operation; you cannot reset the above property back to false to deactivate this feature
Entity-level access control differs from service-level access control in that permissions are not granted to individual groups, rather they are granted to one or more roles. A role is a named, pre-configured set of granted permissions that may be applied to a group or individual user for a particular entity instance. Roles are defined and associated with each kind of entity and may be granted permission to perform any of the actions defined for that entity type. The actual members (users or groups) of a role are associated at the entity-level, though, and grant permissions to perform actions on that entity only.
For instance, there might be the roles Editor, Admin, and Read-Only defined that grant varying sets of permissions for feeds. Adding a user, or any group that user belongs to, as a member of the Editors role of a specific feed will permit that user to make changes to it. A particular user might be a member of the Editor role for one feed, an Admin member of another feed, but only a Read-Only member of a third feed.
Default Roles¶
Kylo comes with a set of default roles for each kind of entity as described below.
As of Kylo verion 0.8.1, entity roles and their granted permissions are fixed. Future versions of Kylo will allow for creation and management of custom roles and assigned permissions.
Template Roles | |
Editor | Allows a user to edit and export a template |
Admin | All capabilities defined in the ‘Editor’ role along with the ability to change the permissions |
Read-Only | Allows a user to view, but not modify, the template |
Category Roles | |
Editor | Allows a user to edit and delete feeds using this category |
Admin | All capabilities defined in the ‘Editor’ role along with the ability to change the permissions |
Read-Only | Allows a user to view the category |
Feed Creator | Allows a user to create a new feed using this category |
Feed Roles | |
Editor | Allows a user to edit, enable/disable, delete, export, and access job operations of the feed |
Admin | All capabilities defined in the ‘Editor’ role along with the ability to change the permissions |
Read-Only | Allows a user to view the feed and access job operations |
Data Source Roles | |
Editor | Allows a user to edit and delete the datasource |
Admin | All capabilities defined in the ‘Editor’ role along with the ability to change the permissions |
Read-Only | Allows a user to view the datasource |
Category-Wide Feed Role Memberships¶
Kylo supports adding users and groups to feed roles at the category level that apply to all feeds under that category. This is useful when you wish to organize your feed access control around feeds grouped by category and apply all feed access control changes in one place. Assigning feed role memberships at the category level does not prevent adding additional memberships on each individual feed however. The members of the roles of a particular feed are the union of all memberships assigned at the individual feed level and at the level of the category containing that feed.
In Kylo feed role memberships are managed by editing them in the category details page just below where the category role memberships are managed.
Why Two Levels of Access Control?¶
Kylo support two levels acces control because not all installations require the fine-grained control of entity-level authorization. Service-level authorization is generally easier to manage if your security requirements are not very selective or stringent. If you only need the ability to restrict some Kylo actions to certain select groups of users then service-level might be sufficient.
If your installation deals with sensitive information, and you need to be very selective of what data certain users and groups can see and manipulate, then you should use entity-level authorization to provide tight controls over that data.
Having two security schemes can pose management challenges as there is a bit of an overlap between the service-level and entity-level permissions, and both levels of access control must be satisfied for a user’s action to be successful. If you choose to use entity-level control then it may be helpful to loosen up the service-level access a bit more where the entity and service permissions are redundant. To help determine what permissions are needed to perform common Kylo activities, the next section describes both kinds of access requirements depending upon what actions are attempted in Kylo.
Roles and Permissions Required for Common Activities¶
To help understand and manage permissions required by users when using Kylo, the following tables show:
- Common actions in Kylo
- The default entity-level roles that permit those actions
- Additional service-level permissions reqired to perform those actions
Template Actions¶
Action Roles Permitted Service-level Permissions View template and its summary Editor, Admin, Read-Only Access Templates Edit template and its details Editor, Admin Edit Templates Delete template Editor, Admin Edit Templates Export template Editor, Admin Export Templates Grant permissions on template to users/groups Admin Edit Templates Import template (new) N/A Import Templates Import template (existing) Editor, Admin Import Templates, Edit Templates Enable template N/A Admin Templates Disable template N/A Admin Templates
Category Actions¶
Action Roles Permitted Service-level Permissions View category and its summary Editor, Admin, Feed Creator, Read-Only Access Categories Edit category summary Editor, Admin Edit Categories View category and its details Editor, Admin, Feed Creator Access Categories Edit category details Editor, Admin Edit Categories Edit set user fields Editor, Admin Admin Categories Delete category Editor, Admin Edit Categories Create feeds under category Feed Creator Edit Categories Grant permissions on category to users/groups Admin Edit Categories
Feed Actions¶
Action Roles Permitted Service-level Permissions View feed and its details Editor, Admin, Read-Only Access Feeds Edit feed summary Editor, Admin Edit Feeds Edit feed details Editor, Admin Edit Feeds Edit feed user fields Editor, Admin Admin Feeds Delete feed Editor, Admin Admin Feeds Enable feed Editor, Admin Edit Feeds Disable feed Editor, Admin Edit Feeds Export feed Editor, Admin Export Feeds Import feed (new) N/A Import Feeds Import feed (existing) Editor, Admin Import Feeds View operational history of feed Editor, Admin, Read-Only Access Feeds Grant permissions on feed to users/groups Admin Edit Feeds
Data Source Actions¶
Action Roles Permitted Service-level Permissions View data source summary and use in data transformations Editor, Admin, Read-Only Access Data Sources Edit data source summary Editor, Admin Edit Data Sources View data source and its details Editor, Admin Access Data Sources View data source details, including sensitive information Editor, Admin Admin Data Sources Edit data source details Editor, Admin Edit Data Sources Delete data source Editor, Admin Edit Data Sources Grant permissions on data source to users/groups Admin Edit Data Sources