
There are a lot of new terms with Kylo and NiFi, and trying to learn them all, including distinctions between Kylo and NiFi usage, can be overwhelming. The goal of this document is to detail the semantics of these terms within the context of Kylo and NiFi. This document does not aim to write a definition for every term you will encounter in Kylo and Apache NiFi.

Additional Resources:

  • NiFi has documentation on its terminology on their website. However, some of the terms will be outlined here in the context of Kylo.

Apache NiFi Terminology


Refer to the NiFi terminology document for NiFi-specific terminology.

  • A processor has properties that are configured. The values for these properties can be hard-coded, or they can be made dynamic by using the NiFi expression language, which will allow you to access the attributes of a FlowFile as they go through the processor. They can also be set or overridden through Kylo.


Immutable NiFi object that encapsulates the data that moves through a NiFi flow. It consists of the data (content) and some additional properties (attributes)

  • NiFi wraps data in FlowFiles. FlowFiles can contain a piece of data, an entire dataset, and batches of data,. depending upon which processors are used, and their configurations. A NiFi flow can have multiple FlowFiles running through it at one time, and the FlowFiles can move from processor to processor independently of one another. It is important to note that FlowFiles only conceptually “contain” the data. For scalability reasons, FlowFiles actually have a pointer to the data in the NiFi Content Repository.


A connection between two processors, between input/output ports, or between both

  • FlowFiles move from processor to processor through connections. A connection houses a queue. If a processor on the receiving end of a connection is stopped or disabled, the FlowFiles will sit in that queue/connection until the receiving processor is able to receive FlowFiles again.


Closely tied to NiFi connections, see definition in NiFi terminology document

  • When a processor is done with a FlowFile, it will route it to one or more relationships. These relationships can either be set to auto-terminate (this would mark the end of the journey for FlowFiles that get routed to auto-terminating relationships), or they can be attached to NiFi connections. The most common example is the success and failure relationships. Processors, when finished with a FlowFile, determine which relationship(s) to route the FlowFile to. This can create diverging paths in a flow, and can be used to represent conditional business logic. For example: a flow can be designed so that when processor A routes to the success relationship it goes to processor B, and when processor A routes to the failure relationship it routes to processor C.


A logically grouped sequence of connected processors and NiFi components

  • You could also think of a flow as a program or a pipeline.

Controller Service

Refer to the NiFi terminology document for NiFi-specific terminology.

  • An example is the Hive Thrift Service of type ThriftConnectionPool, which is a controller service that lets the ExecuteHQL and ExecuteHQLStatement processor types connect to a HiveServer2 instance.

NAR files

Similar to an uber JAR, a NiFi archive which may contain custom NiFi processors, controllers and all library dependencies

  • NAR files are bundles of code that you use to extend NiFi. If you write a custom processor or other custom extension for NiFi, you must package it up in a NAR file and deploy it to NiFi.


Refer to the NiFi terminology document for NiFi-specific terminology.

  • A template is a flow that has been saved for reuse. You can use a template to model a common pattern, and then create useful flows out of that by configuring the processors to your specific use case. They can be exported and imported as XML. The term “template” becomes overloaded with the introduction of Kylo, so it is important when thinking and talking about Kylo to specify which kind of “template” you are referring to.

Kylo Terminology

Registered Template

The blueprint from which Kylo feeds are created.

  • In Kylo, a template typically refers to a registered template. A registered template is a NiFi template that has been registered through Kylo. When trying to register a NiFi template, there are multiple courses of action. The first option is to upload a NiFi template that has been previously exported from NiFi as XML. This option does not actually add the NiFi template to the list of registered templates in Kylo. Instead, this will upload the NiFi template to the running instance of NiFi, which is futile if you already have that template available in the running instance of NiFi. The second option is to register a NiFi template directly through NiFi. This will allow you to choose from the NiFi templates that are available in the running instance of NiFi and register it. This does add it to the list of registered templates. The third option is to upload a template that has been exported from Kylo as a zip. Registered templates can be exported from one running instance of Kylo and registered in other instances of Kylo by uploading the archive file (zip). An archive of a registered template will also have the NiFi template in it. It is easiest to think of Kylo templates (a.k.a., registered templates) as being a layer on top of NiFi templates.


A container for grouping feeds

  • Each feed must belong to a category. A feed cannot belong to multiple categories, but a category can contain multiple feeds. A category is used as metadata in Kylo, and also manifests itself as a process group in the running instance of NiFi

Input Processor or Source

The processor in a feed’s underlying flow that is at the beginning of the flow and generates FlowFiles rather than transforming incoming ones

  • There are processors that do not take incoming connections, and instead generate FlowFiles from external sources. An example is the GetFile processor, which runs at a configured interval to check a specified directory for data. While these processors don’t necessarily “kick off” a flow, as a flow is always running (unless the components are stopped or disabled), these processors are the origin for a flow and are considered the source or input processors of a feed.


Typically will represent the key movement of data between a source (flat file) and sink (e.g. Hive)

  • An instantiation of a Kylo template
  • Feeds are created from templates. The idea is that NiFi templates are created to be reusable and generic. Then, the NiFi templates are registered in Kylo, and the technical configurations of the NiFi template are hidden and default values are set so that it is prepared for the end user. Then, the end user, equipped with their domain knowledge, creates feeds from the Kylo templates.


A single run of a feed

  • When an input processor generates a FlowFile, a new job for that feed starts. The job follows the FlowFile through its feed’s underlying flow, capturing metadata along the way. Jobs can be of two types, FEED or CHECK. By default, all jobs are of type FEED. They can be set to type CHECK by configuring one of the processors to set the tb.jobType attribute to CHECK.


A stage in a job

  • Steps are specific to jobs in Kylo, and correlate directly to the processors that the FlowFile goes through for that job. Flows can have conditional logic and multiple relationships, so each FlowFile that goes through a flow may not follow the same path every time. A job follows a FlowFile, and has a step for each processor that the FlowFile goes through.


A service that Kylo has been configured to monitor

  • Services in Kylo are not NiFi controller services. They are simply services, such as HDFS and Kafka, that Kylo will monitor using either Ambari’s API or Cloudera’s REST client.