Install Additional Components¶
Now that Kylo has been installed you have a few different option to install the database scripts, ActiveMQ, Elasticsearch, Java and NiFi
The setup wizard currently doesn’t autodetect that its on a SUSE. Therefore you should skip the Elasticsearch installation step and download/install the DEB distribution manually.
Database Preparation¶
Kylo supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MS SQL Server for storing Kylo metadata. The default configuration is for Kylo to create the necessary tables automatically but the database must be created manually.
mysql -h ${hostname} -u "${username}" -p -e "create database if not exists kylo character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;"
PGPASSWORD="${password}" createdb -U kylo -h ${hostname} -E UTF8 -e kylo
MS SQL Server
sqlcmd -S ${hostname} -U "${username}" -P "${password}" -Q "CREATE DATABASE kylo ${azure_options}"
If you would like to run Kylo as a non-privileged user you should create a kylo database user and configure the appropriate permissions.
If you plan to generate and run the SQL scripts manually (turn off liquibase), please see the “Manual Upgrades” section in Database Upgrades
Option 1: Setup Wizard Installation¶
This is the easiest method and will allow you to choose which components to install on that node.
Option 2: Manual Installation¶
This option shows you how to run the scripts manually and will allow you to make customizations as you go.